Energy house

Creating an Energy-Efficient Home: What Can You Do?

Energy-efficient homes are trendy for a multitude of reasons. While many people assume it is because being “eco-friendly” is in style, it is more than that. An energy-efficient home allows you to save money. The less energy you use, the lower your utility bills will be.

To help you make your home energy-efficient, here are a few things that you can try.


If you want to lessen how much heat enters your home in the summer or escapes in the winter, then you need effective insulation. That way, you will use less energy to make your home cooler or warmer. You can find services for attic and wall insulation. However, when you look for a contractor to insulate your home, make sure you focus on hiring one who has a lot of experience. While the materials they use are important, an experienced contractor will insulate your home properly.

A Tankless Water Heater

If you have a regular water heater, make the switch to a tankless water heater. Tankless heaters are 24 to 34 percent more energy-efficient compared to traditional ones. When you get one, you can get up to 27 to 50 percent in savings. Plus, they can last for about over 20 years, given that you get services like water heater repair in Millcreek to maintain it.

The Windows

If you have leaky and old windows, it is high time that you replace them. You can get energy-efficient windows to replace the old ones. If you want to make the most out of your current windows, you can caulk them or boost the efficiency using weather stripping. But you would get more savings if you replace your single-glazed windows. Getting energy-efficient windows is not very expensive, and they are a cost-effective solution if you want to have an energy-efficient home.

Turn Off Gadgets

We may not realize how much energy gets consumed when items are still plugged in but not being used. For instance, you may have idle machines like a coffeemaker, microwave, or computers that have LED clocks on constantly even when you are not using them.

If these items are plugged in, they are consuming power whether or not they are “on”. You should make sure you properly shut off items like your computer and unplug things like your TV when you will not use them. While it may seem minor, it is a great way to save money and energy, especially if you are planning to go on vacation. 

Shady Trees

You can take full advantage of what landscaping offers. Not only will it help you make your home conserve energy, but it will also help you boost your home’s curb appeal. Strategically placed trees can protect your home from the cold winds of the winter and the sun’s rays. Plus, it can make your home feel cooler during the summer, which means you may not need to use a lot of air conditioning. 

You must make your home energy-efficient. It will help you save money while reducing your carbon footprint on the world.

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