
Lockdown Activities For the Family

Being locked down at home can be boring and challenging most of the time, but you don’t need to be bored when you have an endless list of activities that you can do with your family. In case you are looking for some ideas, then we have some for you.

Here are some activities that both the adults and children in your family can learn to enjoy together:

  • Take up a home renovation project

The lockdown and social distancing regulations have caused many households to be productive by taking up some home renovation projects. Based on a survey, 71% of homeowners said they enjoyed seeing a new version of their homes and will continue making these home improvements.

Home renovation may not be the most entertaining activity if you have children, but you can either ask them to help you with some simple tasks or build a play area where they can have fun.

If you decide to keep on renovating and be like the abovementioned 71% of homeowners, you can also get in touch with some remodeling contractors. Let the professionals handle the bigger home renovation projects, and you can enjoy other activities with your family.

  • Grow a garden with your kids

Without a doubt, home renovation is one of the activities that became more popular during the first few months of the pandemic. A survey showed that a quarter of their households also tried their hands at gardening and loved it.

Some pandemic gardeners took their newfound skills and hobby to the next level by building growing some produce and vegetables. Now, this might be a tedious activity for your children, but once you instill in them the value of growing their food, especially with the climate crisis, they might even learn to love it.

Gardening can also be good for your physical and mental health as several studies have proven that it is a good source of Vitamin C from being exposed to the sun. Just wear some sunscreen to protect your skin from getting sunburnt.

  • Cook and bake with your loved ones
    family cooking outside

Another activity that more people got into doing is cooking and baking. Almost everyone suddenly became chefs and bakers during the lockdown. So, while the internet is filled with perfect food recipes to make yourself, please take advantage of it and cook with your family.

You can also use some produce and herbs you’ve been growing in your garden as ingredients in your recipe. There’s nothing more satisfying than being able to reap what you sow and eat them. You can be sure that they are healthy and fresh.

If you decide to turn your backyard, porch, or patio into a second dining room for al fresco dining, you can also have your meals there. It will be a relaxing meal; it’s like you’re having a private dinner in a restaurant.

  • Watch some movies

Surely, there are hundreds of films you’ve been meaning to see and thousands of other films that you haven’t even heard of yet. Since you will most likely have so much time in your hands, it would be an excellent choice to spend some time with your family watching some of these movies.

If you’re not that much into movies, then Netflix is also an option. There are hundreds of series from all over the world that you should binge-watch with your family.

Additionally, you can set up a home theater by purchasing a projector and painting a wall plain white or by using a white cloth to project films or series. It’ll be like a family day at the cinema.

  • Play a board game

Playing board games has been a popular family activity even before the pandemic, but since we never had as much time as we do now, you’ve probably left your board games on your shelves to collect some dust. But, now you can play some more with your family.

Scrabble is one of the best games you can play with your children to learn some new words. You can also check out other board games like Catan, Sushi Go, Ticket to Ride, Pandemic, Gloomhaven.

The uncertainty of the time we live in can take its toll on us, so keeping active to distract ourselves from the crisis could help. With your family with you, you can even get closer to each other and have quality family time.

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