
Mentally Healthy: How to Keep Your Mental Faculties Healthy as You Grow Older

Aging is something that we can’t stop from happening. As human beings, we are susceptible to it, and it’s an all-balancing factor to the idea of life. However, it doesn’t mean that we have to become a victim of it.

One of the worse problems of aging, aside from its physical aspects, is mental deterioration. It’s estimated that about 20% of the 60 years old above population has a mental illness. This can range from cognitive mental illness such as Alzheimer’s and to mood mental illness such as major depressive disorder.

Furthermore, this age bracket is the most vulnerable in developing mental disorders despite not having any in the past. Experts believe that the best way to prevent yourself from getting any mental illness is by keeping being mentally healthy today. Here are some ways you can do that.

Mental Exercises Every Morning

The most common mental illness among the elderly is dementia. Dementia is a particular mental impairment that makes you struggle to think and remember certain events. The worse cases of dementia have some visual and auditory hallucinations that accompany them.

The problem with dementia is that it always comes alongside aging. We can’t help prevent forgetting things as we grow older. We can’t also stop ourselves from struggling to think. It’s normal for us to have these struggles as we reach a certain age. However, it can undoubtedly get severe if we don’t do something about it.

One way to prevent such a thing from happening is through mental exercises. Mental exercises can come in the form of reading, doing mathematical equations, and finishing puzzles. An activity as simple as reading or doing crossword puzzles has been known to decrease the chances of Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, it’s capable of keeping you alert as you grow older.

Simple mental exercises every morning as early as now can make a difference in your overall mental state in the future. Try downloading apps like Elevate so you can do it while you’re on the go.

Avoiding Isolation

Isolation is one of the key reasons why people develop mental illnesses, especially depression. However, it can be pretty unavoidable as we grow older.

Socialization is an activity that reduces itself as we grow older. We tend to become more tired, and because of this, we like to stay at home more. To avoid getting isolated so much, feel free to hire home care services to help you out. Not only can they keep you occupied, but they can also check on you physically as well. Socialization doesn’t have to be abandoned once you get older, take the initiative and hire someone to help you out.

Moreover, you should start developing your circle at such a young age. You can start by nourishing your relationships today.

Nourishing Your Relationships

People who tend to be isolated when they’re older don’t nourish their relationships when they are young. They let their pride get in the way, which can be problematic if you want to have long-lasting relationships with people.

If you want to nourish your relationships, ensure that you have some empathy for your friends and loved ones. Understand where they are coming from when a problem arises. Help whenever you can without expecting anything in return. All of these things can help you nourish your relationships today so that they can stay around once you get older.

Also, the pandemic shouldn’t get in the way of your relationships. We have modern technology to help us out with that. Call your friends and loved ones. Talk to them once a week. That should be enough to keep everyone close until the pandemic fades away.

Joining Support Groups

One viable option for those who are older is to join open support groups near their area. Open support groups are known to bring in all sorts of people. It’s meant for people to develop new relationships with strangers. However, if you’re experiencing a mental illness right now, it might be better for you to join a closed support group.

Closed support groups are for a group of people who have a mental illness. It’s meant to bring them together and be responsible for each other’s actions. Support groups have been known to decrease depression and anxiety among older adults. Moreover, it’s been known to prevent social isolation.

If you think that you’re having way too many problems in life and you want to share them with someone, joining a support group is something you must do.

Our mental health is as important as our physical health as we grow older. So start doing these things in your life if you want to be mentally healthy in the future.

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