Taking in aging parents

Taking Care of Aged Parents: What Rules to Establish

Parents will pour everything they have into their children when they grow up. They will do everything to ensure that their children are happy and comfortable. However, when the tables turn and the children have to care for their aged parents, not all of them will know what to do. A study by the University of Michigan has shown that 1 in 10 children must take care of their aged parents.

Adults will have to prepare for the responsibility, which might be one of the many things they must accomplish. Besides work, social life, and providing for their own families, they must now ensure their aging parents remain in good health. Fortunately, they can accomplish that by setting up a few rules inside the house.

Creating a Plan with Siblings

The first rule is to sit down with the siblings and create a plan. If there is more than one child, it would be best to divvy up the responsibilities so that everyone can still have time for themselves.

Some parents will feel guilty about asking their children for help. They might feel like imposing or do not want to be a burden. However, it is essential to assure them that their children are happy to help. After all, they are still the people who have cared for them throughout their lives.

If there are disagreements among the siblings, it is essential to hash them out before talking to the parents. That way, everyone will be on the same page, and there will be no confusion later. Of course, only one child will be responsible for where the parents live. The rest can take on other responsibilities like providing financial support or helping with chores.

Ensure 100% Supervision

Even if your parents don’t need 24/7 supervision, having someone check in on them is still vital. If possible, try to drop by their place at least once a day or hire a professional caregiver.

Aging parents are more vulnerable to accidents and might be unable to reach their phones when something happens. Having someone drop by will give them the peace of mind that someone will know if something happens to them.

It would also be best if someone were living with them. That way, they will always have company, and there will be someone to take care of them immediately if anything happens.

Of course, this is not always possible since some children live far away from their parents. In that case, ensure that there is excellent communication. Have someone check in on them regularly, whether through video calls or just a phone call.

Keep Track of Maintenance and Exercise

Adult child supervising aging parent

As people age, they will start to experience different health problems. It would be best if their children took note of their medications and kept track of when they needed to see the doctor.

Aging parents might not be able to exercise as much as they used to, but that does not mean they should stop altogether. Help them devise a simple routine they can do every day.

Installing grab bars in strategic places inside the house would also be best. That way, they can move around without worrying about falling and getting injured.

Medications will also start to become a regular thing. Their children should note when they need to buy more and help them organize their pills.

Create a Backup Plan

No matter how well the children take care of their parents, there is always a chance that something might happen. It would be best to have a backup plan in an emergency.

The first step is finding senior assisted living facilities to look into as backup. That way, they will have a place to go if the children can no longer care for them. It would be best to visit these places and ask about their services beforehand.

The second step is to put together an emergency fund. This will come in handy for unexpected medical expenses or other unforeseen circumstances.

It is also essential to have all the necessary documents in one place. These include insurance policies, wills, and power of attorney forms. Everything will get taken care of if something happens to the parents.

Keep Communication Lines Open

The most important thing is to keep communication lines open with the parents. They should feel like they can approach their children about anything, whether it is a problem they are facing or a question.

It would also be best to talk to them about their wishes for the future. This way, everyone will be on the same page, and there will be no surprises later.

Wrapping Up

Aging parents might not be able to do everything they used to, but that does not mean they should stop living their lives. Their children should help them find ways to enjoy themselves still. Whether it is watching their favorite TV show or going for a walk in the park, there are plenty of things they can still do.

The most important thing is for the children to show their parents they love and care for them. With these things in mind, they can care for their aged parents without problems.

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