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How to Develop and Maintain a Learning Culture amid a Pandemic

Today’s corporate landscape is in a continuous state of change and disruption. To stay afloat and competitive, companies and employees have to transform and adapt continuously. In the process, the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted the need for business transformation and worsened employment challenges with engagement and retention.

In the past few months, companies have responded efficiently to the workplace challenges caused by the global health crisis. From flexible work hours, wellness programs, and virtual team building, all these engagement strategies are helping organizations in this difficult time while retaining top talent. In Singapore, organizations invest in SkillsFuture courses to promote a holistic approach to lifelong learning among professionals.

Enriching the learning culture is critical amid these tough times. As workplace relations continue to change, employees should invest time honing their skills, knowledge, and expertise to pave the way for even bigger career opportunities. That said, we’re listing down the biggest professional development lessons during the pandemic and how they will contribute to building a learning culture in the modern workplace.

Digital literacy is essential

During the first months of the pandemic, governments and health officials have significantly reduced physical interactions to prevent the virus from spreading. As officers and academic institutions have closed down, more and more people have realized the importance of technology to bridge the physical gap. In a blink of an eye, technology has completely dominated people’s lives, including the way they interact, shop, order food, and do business.

In the business world, employees have to be updated with current events and workplace happenings. This helps them to communicate their ideas during meetings and keeps audiences and customers focused and engaged.

Technology has already become second nature to digital natives, specifically millennials and Generation X. To keep up with the growing capabilities of technology, everyone should develop their expertise and knowledge on the emerging digital innovations. This will help them explore different forms of digital resources to create an enriching learning culture even at home.

Practice responsible digital citizenship. Research about new software and computer systems, and determine which ones can help you in your career. Enroll in online training courses or tinker with newly released educational applications. The stronger your digital literacy, the more competitive you’ll be as an entrepreneur, employee, or student. Use all the free time you have to learn and explore anything you want!

woman taking an online class

Using technology to the company’s advantage

During the pandemic, businesses have two options to stay afloat: rely on technology or operate in their physical spaces.

Small businesses and tech startups that know how to maximize technology can adapt to changes very quickly. One example is companies running a remote workforce even before the pandemic. The sudden transition to work from home wasn’t a big issue, as they can resume work online amid the interruption.

Meanwhile, industries that are physical in nature are those that struggle the most to stay in business. These include restaurants and hotels that lost a significant amount of clients. These industries rely on face-to-face interactions to boost their income stream, so losing the human factor will incur a large loss.

Companies are responding to the changing business climate by incorporating the Internet and technologies in their business models. Supermarkets and grocery stores rely on delivery applications, while art galleries and museums have virtual tours to reach a wider audience.

These things only became possible because of technology and digital skills. So, if you’re struggling to adapt to these changing times, you can always turn to the Internet to look for solutions. A pandemic doesn’t mean an end to all our career aspirations, instead use this time to challenge yourself and use technology to your advantage.

Working on soft skills

In these trying times, people need each other more than anything else. We turn to our coworkers and teammates for mental and emotional support. Amid the stigma of therapy and mental health, people also have to deal with stress and isolation, both primary triggers for mental health concerns.

Employers today are letting their empathy influence their decisions and responses. They have become more understanding of their employees in terms of deadlines, absenteeism, and leaves. It also includes communication and teamwork to help organizations maintain a positive relationship with their employees and clients. Most people overlook soft skills when building their professional development, but the pandemic has taught us that having the right soft skills is critical to team player abilities.

Investing in a learning culture can go a long way by helping companies improve productivity, promotion, and retention. Amid the change and disruptions caused by the pandemic, this will help employees take the initiative and drive their own careers. In turn, employers can gain better support and perspective to manage a diverse and digital workforce.

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