winter home

Before Winter Falls: 5 Savvy Hacks to Winterize Your Home Now

Winter has left us with a lot to struggle with than any other season. Did you know that the deadliest season of the year is winter, topping summer in the process? Indeed, studies show more people die in winter compared with other seasons of the year. The contributing factors for this are enormous, but they all point to the lowering of the temperatures that affect the body drastically. When the mercury drops low, our immune system also dips.

This results in an increased risk of having respiratory diseases than in any other season. Small wonder death rates are higher. With the delta virus vigorously pounding America, that death toll could spike like never before.

Thus, the million-dollar question that follows for you should be: Is there anything that can be done to escape the high death rate considering winter never fails to come? Well, it’s a case-to-case basis actually. And you can start by winterizing your home. Prepare yourself and your family as winter is coming.

A quote says, when a person fails to plan, he plans to fail. This is no truer than in the case of winter. The good news is winterizing your home isn’t as tall an order as you may think it. There are tried-and-tested ways to get it done. That way, you help preserve your health and that of your family members.

Insulate Windows

During winter, you really can’t do anything about the cold outside. But one place you should be able to fight it and get enough warmth is in the comfort of your home.

Take note that if your precious abode has drafts, there will be air leaks. And without any doubt, this will make the winter very cold for everyone in the family. And you can be sure of that. It’s paramount then that you keep these drafts to a bare minimum, so they won’t make your household uncomfortable. So while winter is still approaching, look out for these winter drafts. Not only are they bound to compound your home but also they could be detrimental to the energy bill.

When there are drafts, the energy cost can go as high as 10-20% more in a year. And that will definitely take a toll on your expenses for the year. So it’s crucial to locate drafts and make necessary adjustments and changes.

To do this, insulate your windows first and foremost to avoid air leaks. One option is a rope caulk. It is sticky and soft and can be used to fill up cracks. The good thing is it can be removed easily after winter. Also, nail polish is effective. If applied properly, the polish will fill up the cracks, and the best part is it is invisible. Once it solidifies, it helps stabilize the window till winter ends.

Cut Down Tree Branches

During the winter storms in the first half of 2021, the United States incurred a loss of about $15.1 billion. This just goes to say that winter storms in winter are common, and they can be very destructive. So to avoid your house being damaged by a winter storm, it’s essential to cut down tree branches before winter.

Look out for big tree branches that hang over your roof or close to windows. The distance for any tree branch should be a minimum of 3 feet away from the roof or windows. This way, you can reduce the risk of your home being damaged during winter.

cozy fireplace

Check Your Fireplace

The fireplace is one of the most prized possessions during winter. A good fireplace will help keep the house warm throughout the cold winter. So you don’t want to risk having a fireplace that is not functional during winter. Do a visual inspection of the fireplace. Ensure you check the unit inside and the one outside. This is just to be double sure the fireplace is functional.

If you notice any abnormalities in the functionality, you should call for help in fixing it. Tapping in reliable chimney repair services is wise while winter is still fast approaching. These experts can fix the chimney, rebuilding if necessary, as well as retaining walls in no time at all. Your fireplace will be ready for full action once winter comes.

Inspect the Roof

A careful roof inspection is another thing you need to do to prepare yourself. A leaky roof during winter can be very stressful and uncomfortable. It isn’t one experience you want to have. Once you do a careful roof inspection, you can find leaks and breaks and fix them in due time.

It would be nice to go all the way up to the inspection. But if you have a phobia for heights, binoculars can be used. With binoculars, you can still carefully inspect the roof for any problems. And if there are any, have someone come fix it for you.

Clean the Gutters

The gutters shouldn’t be left out when you are winterizing your home. Having clogged gutters during winter can cause a lot of damage. And this damage can be very costly.

So, clean up your gutters before winter arrives. Remove the twigs, gunk, and leaves in your gutters. Also, ensure that the gutters are free and not trapping water as well. You can check for this by pouring water through the gutters and watching the flow. If the flow is smooth without any hindrance, then you’re good to go.

Indeed, as it takes time to get all these acts together, it’s best you get started while the colder months have not yet arrived. You’d be in a better position to do so now more than ever.

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