law books

What is fraud law?

Within the field of law, fraud is referred to as the intentional deception to secure unfair or illegal gain, or to deprive an individual of their legal rights. Fraud can not only violate civil law (for example, a victim of fraud may choose to sue the perpetrator in order to avoid the act of fraud or to recover a form of compensation), but also criminal law (whereby a perpetrator of fraud may be both prosecuted and imprisoned by the government). Whilst it may also cause no financial, asset, or legal right loss it can still be criminally wrong.

The Act

law statue

The Fraud Act of 2006 (commonly referred to within the field of law as ‘the Act’) was enforced on the 15th January 2007 and applies to England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The act relates to the following offences: ‘obtaining property by deception’ (section 15), ‘obtaining a money transfer by deception’ (section 15A), ‘obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception’ (section 16), and many more.

What is the purpose of fraud?

The purpose of fraud by the perpetrator may either be for monetary gain, or other benefits (one example of this may be to obtain a passport or other identification documents). Mortgage fraud is another variant and involves the perpetrator attempting eligibility of a mortgage via the use of false statements and documents. Whatever the variant, fraud law can be extremely stressful for the client and often involves unexpected raids and even arrests which can cause huge turmoil both professionally, and within one’s personal life. With these complications in mind, it is vital that individuals involved within a fraud law dispute seek the legal intervention of a fraud solicitor at the earliest possible stage of the legal process.

So why is early legal intervention so important?

Both unexpected raids and arrests (as mentioned above) can occur without warning and cause complications for individuals. In addition, being interviewed for either criminal or quasi criminal offences can be an extremely stressful experience (this is especially the case if assets are obtained at an early stage of the legal process). It is argued as crucial to obtain expert advice and legal representation as soon as the client is able, but why is early intervention so important?

Seeking the guidance of a legal professional, as soon as possible

Being involved within any form of legal dispute can be stressful and overwhelming for any individual and even more so for clients who have not previously sought legal intervention within the past. Despite the world of law seemingly tricky to navigate for many people, a professional and experienced fraud solicitor is fully equipped to guide you throughout the entire legal process. Seeking this assistance early is often stressed within the world of law, but why is it so crucial?

Did you know?

What occurs during the early stages of a legal investigation often influences the outcome, whether the investigation results in either a charge, or even a conviction. Seeking the assistance of a highly trained solicitor during these early stages can have a huge impact on not only the outcome of your case, but also the legal journey. This intervention is undeniably crucial to ensure the client understands the nature of the allegation they are being faced with in addition to their rights, as so to achieve the best possible outcome for their case.

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