
woman hair parlor

How Further Training Can Boost Your Beauty Career

Many think that once they’ve completed their training and obtained their license, they’re pretty much set for their entire career in beauty services. But if you want to be a top-notch professional who constantly keeps up with the latest services and techniques, you need to continuously invest in furthering your education. Here are five reasons […]

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smiling woman

Staying Confident Through a Crisis

The pandemic had a significant effect on many Americans across the country. Around 89 percent experienced a negative change in their lives, whether it was related to their mental health, job security, or another factor. Despite the challenges that came with the pandemic, a 73 percent majority of Americans also experienced at least one silver lining. For

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The role of a criminal solicitor in achieving a positive outcome for a murderer allegation

In the UK there are approximately 1000 murders committed every year, which may seem like a small number in comparison to other criminal offences, however, it is one of the most serious offences that can be committed against another person. If you have been accused of murder, whether this is a false allegation or you

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How to Stay Healthy: The Importance of Maintaining a Good Lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is important for many reasons. From maintaining a healthy body weight to preventing health issues, there are numerous benefits that can be achieved by making some simple changes in your everyday life. A healthy lifestyle will help prevent health issues. People who are healthy are less likely to get involved in medical

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picking what to eat

No-No Food Items For Celiacs

Celiacs know that to avoid digestive problems, they must have a gluten-free diet. From healthy snacks labeled gluten-free to natural food items such as fruits and vegetables, celiacs know exactly what they need to eat. But what about what they need to avoid? Before going in-depth with the no-no items for celiacs, let us first define what exactly Celiac

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